Having Tea with The Emperor

Friday, June 10, 2005

Free will and a clearing in the forest

Tea with the Emperor is as interesting as it sounds. He brings in the tea around 2. Yes, he brings the tea. He pours two cup of chamomile tea. He hands one to to me and then picks up his and takes a seat on front of me. We never speak during the first cup. We enjoy. We savor the tea in silence. We think.
As he pours the second round, I ask him, "What do you think of women's rights?"
He continues pouring the tea without looking up. He hands me my cup. H e reaches for his own and sits back and looks at me somberly.
"There are no rights, what we have are gifts. By the look on your face, I see you do not understand. Life is given to us. We have no right to it. The only right we can truly call our own is our own free will. There are many injustices in this world that plague women, men, and children. Choice is the srtongest weapon we have in the matter of these injustices. I f I told you that I am for womens' rights, I have accomplished nothing. I have not affected the world in anyway. But if I choose to help the downtrodden, weary, the hungry and the poor, even in the smallest measure, I have made a clearing in the forest."
He sat back in his chair with his tea in hand. We both sipped quietly pondering his words.

(I look at what I've written and I wonder if anyone will understand what it means. The word rights is one that has always bothered me. It has always seemed to be followed by a demand. It has such a harsh tone to it. I prefer the word choice or free will. It sounds so much gentler and noble. It touches my spirit kindly. I suppose what I really want to convey is that we have been given can taken away, whether it be our 'rights" or our lives. The only thing we are left with is our free will. The most powerful tool in the universe. Our choices can free us. All we have to do is act on that choice.


At 4:36 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I totally agree with what you've said. I think if everyone were to just think about what they demand from others things might change.. but sometimes we (society) just play follow the leader and if the person in front of us screams, we follow suit without really giving a seconds thought to it -- or to the effects we are having on other people's lives :( Its good to be selfless! I'm really glad to know you are still the sweetie I went to high school with, headstrong and holding on to convictions that are really so giving. You're a blessing to everyone that knows you. I wish we were close enough to go to a cafe and blab. *sigh* I miss talking to you without having to depend on these wires all the time to pass words.

At 9:26 PM, Blogger CBlair said...

I am glad to hear it. I almost didn't post this one. I was wondering if might cause some ripples, becasue everyone is so causght up in themselves and in their cause. We tread on shaky ground here when we stand up for what is true. (notice I didn't say right!) My personal opinion is that everyone is so busy trying to get what they believe is right that they overlook fundamental truths. A little kindness, a little selflessness, a little love is where change for the better occurs.
Thanks for being my reminder. Sometimes I can't see who I am. I have lots of friends but you are one of the chosen few that can really see me. It seems those few are destined to seek me out through wires...It would be nice to sit in a cafe and blab together. Enjoy the moment. Savor. Everyone I know is such a hurry, except us three...you me and the emperor

At 9:27 PM, Blogger CBlair said...

I have got to remember to spell check these things!!!

At 10:16 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I am amazed to read the thoughts of the guy as he has such immense power in his dialogue and specially the word "Gifts". Not a single person does think in that way and when it comes to provide women what they deserve is typical but he made it just as easy for us and gave me a new topic to write my essay.


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